Karmen MacKendrick | Articles and Book Reviews
Links are to journal or book publishers’ websites.
Journal Articles

- “Original Breath,” for Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 28:4, 2014
- “Repellant Attractions,” for Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, issue on The Beauty of Charisma, ed. Vincent Lloyd and Dana Lloyd, 2014
- “The Matter of Voice,” for Theory@Buffalo, issue on The Word Flesh, Issue 17, 2013
- “Thou Art Translated!” for PhiloSophia: A Journal of Continental Feminism, issue on Translating the Canon, 3:1, 2013
- “Response,” in issue on my work, Theology and Sexuality, essays by Shelly Rambo, Virginia Burrus, Kent Brintnall, MaryJane Rubenstein, and Cameron Partridge, 18:2, 2012
- Response, Scholar’s Session, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 26:2, 2012
- ““Eros, Ethics, Explosion: The Loss of Deixis in Recurrence”, for Philosophy Today, issue in honor of Edith Wyschogrod, ed. Elliot R. Wolfson, November 2011
- “Always Already New: The Possibilities of the Enfolded Instant,” for Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies, issue on New Critical Modes, Fall/Winter 2011
- “The Multipliable Body,” for Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies, inaugural issue on “When Did We Become Posthuman?” Spring 2010
- “Sanctified Signs,” for L’Esprit Créateur, issue on Sanctity, Spring 2010
- ““Eternal Flesh,” for Discourse, topic issue on “Material Spirit,” Winter 2005 (published Summer 2006)
- “Not Enough: Ascetic Excess and the Quantity of Pleasure” for Magistra, Summer 2005
- “Tattooing and Painting at the Limits of Fashion,” for Dresstudy, the journal of the Kyoto Costume Institute, Spring 2000 (published in Japanese only)
- “Community, Identity and Repetition,” for Studies in Practical Philosophy, topic issue on Jean-Luc Nancy, Fall 1999
- “m-powerment,” for Critical Inqueeries, 1998
- “Technoflesh,” for Fashion Theory, 1998
- “Displaced Journeys,” for New Observations, September 1995
Book Reviews

- Catherine Keller, Cloud of the Impossible: Negative Theology and Planetary Entanglement, for The Journal of Religion 98:2, April 2018
- Mayra Rivera, Poetics of the Flesh, for Critical Research on Religion, 2017
- Noel Montague-Etienne Rarignac, The Theology of Dracula: Reading the Book of Stoker, for Golem: The Journal of Monsters, forthcoming
- William Harmless, S.J., Mystics, for Speculum, 2009
- Luce Irigaray, The Way of Love, for Hypatia, 2005
- P. Anderson, ed., Feminist Philosophy of Religion, for The Journal of Teaching Philosophy, March 2005
- “Night Life,” essay on photographer Aaron Plant, Fotofile, Summer 2002
- John D. Caputo and Michael Scanlon, eds., God, the Gift, and Postmodernism for The Journal of Teaching Philosophy, June 2002