Karmen MacKendrick | Articles and Book Reviews

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Journal Articles

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Book Reviews

photo of desk with papers, book, coffee
  • Catherine Keller, Cloud of the Impossible: Negative Theology and Planetary Entanglement, for The Journal of Religion 98:2, April 2018
  • Mayra Rivera, Poetics of the Flesh, for Critical Research on Religion, 2017
  • Noel Montague-Etienne Rarignac, The Theology of Dracula: Reading the Book of Stoker, for Golem: The Journal of Monsters, forthcoming
  • William Harmless, S.J., Mystics, for Speculum, 2009
  • Luce Irigaray, The Way of Love, for Hypatia, 2005
  • P. Anderson, ed., Feminist Philosophy of Religion, for The Journal of Teaching Philosophy, March 2005
  • “Night Life,” essay on photographer Aaron Plant, Fotofile, Summer 2002
  • John D. Caputo and Michael Scanlon, eds., God, the Gift, and Postmodernism for The Journal of Teaching Philosophy, June 2002