Karmen MacKendrick | Book Chapters
Links are to book publishers’ websites (mostly).

- “Revelation at the Limit: Mystery and Matter After the Valentinians,” in We and They: Decolonizing Greco-Roman and Biblical Antiquities, Aarhus University Press, 2019
- “Consent, Command, Confession” in Querying Consent: Beyond Permission and Refusal, ed. Jordana Greenblatt and Keja Valens, Rutgers University Press, 2018
- “Remember . . . When?,” in Sexual Disorientations: Queer Temporalities, Affects, Theologies, edited by Kent Brintnall and Joseph Marchal, Fordham University Press, 2016
- “Original Breath,” for Carnal Hermeneutics, ed. Richard Kearney and Brian Treanor, Fordham University Press, 2016
- “Prayer: Addressing the Name,” in Words: Religious Language Matters, edited by Ernst van den Hemel and Asja Szafraniec, Fordham University Press, 2016
- “Assent to Thinking,” in Desire, Faith, and the Darkness of God: Essays in Honor of Denys Turner, edited by Eric Bugyis and David Newheiser, University of Notre Dame Press, 2015
- “Forgiveness as the Opening of the Future,” in Study of Time XIV: Origins and Futures, edited by Christian Steineck and Claudia Clausius, Brill, 2013
- “Impossible Confessions,” for Material Spirit, edited by Gregoray Stallings, Carl Good and Manuel Asensi, Fordham University Press, 2013
- “Flesh in Time,” in The Nature Drawings of Peter Karklins, edited by Sean Kirkland, University of Chicago Press for DePaul University Art Museum, 2012
- “The Hospitality of Listening: A Note on Sacramental Strangeness,” in Phenomenologies of the Stranger, edited by Richard Kearney and Kascha Semonovich, Fordham University Press, 2011
- “Sharing God’s Wounds: Laceration, Communication, and Stigmata,” for The Obsessions of Georges Bataille, edited by Andrew J. Mitchell and Jason Kemp Winfree. State University of New York Press, 2009
- “Bodies Without Wholes,” with Virginia Burrus, for Apophatic Bodies, edited by Chris Boesel and Catherine Keller. Fordham University Press, 2009
- “Carthage Didn’t Burn Hot Enough: The Divine Seduction of St. Augustine,” for Toward A Theology of Eros: Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline, edited by Virginia Burrus and Catherine Keller. Fordham University Press, 2006
- “Social Graces,” for Etiquette: Reflections on Contemporary Comportment, edited by Ron Scapp and Brian Seitz. State University of New York Press, 2006

- “Embodying Transgression,” for Of the Presence of the Body: Essays on Dance and Performance Theory, edited by Andre Lepecki. Wesleyan University Press, 2004
- “Body Piercing,” entry for Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion. Charles Scribners and Sons, 2004
- “Word Made Flesh,” for Explorations in Contemporary Continental Philosophy of Religion, edited by Deane-Peter Baker. Rodopi Press, 2003
- “The Temporality of Praise,” for Relocating Praise: Literary Modalities and Rhetorical Contexts, edited by Alice G. den Otter. Canadian Scholar’s Press, 2000