Karmen MacKendrick | Dissertation and Exam Readings

2013 External dissertation reader
Erika Murphy, “Inhabiting God’s Wounds: Reimagining the Wisdom of Vulnerability,” PhD dissertation in Theology and Philosophy, Drew Theological School (Catherine Keller, director)
2012 External reader and exam writer
Jacob Erickson, comprehensive exams in Language, “Bodies and Flesh in Post-structuralist Thought,” for PhD in Theology and Philosophy, Drew Theological School
2010 External examiner
Jordana Greenblatt, “Words Like That: Reading, Writing and Sadomasochism,” PhD dissertation in English, York University (Dr. Julia Creet, director)
2008 External dissertation reader
Gerard Beritela, “Guru Love: On Eroticism in the Spiritual Relationship between Master and Disciple,” PhD dissertation in Religion, Syracuse University (Dr. Ann Gold, director)
2007 External reader and exam writer
Mario Costa, comprehensive exams in Christian Neoplatonism for PhD in Theology and Philosophy, Drew Theological School
2007 External dissertation reader
Kent Brintnall, “Masochism, Masculinity and the Crucifixion: The Male-Body-in-Pain as Redemptive Figure,” PhD dissertation in Theology, Emory University (Dr. Mark Jordan, director)
2006 External dissertation reader
Mark Nathan McDougal, “The Passion of the Soul,” PhD dissertation in English and Cultural Studies, University of Melbourne (Drs. M. J. Campbell and B. Farmer, directors)