Karmen MacKendrick | Presentations

- “Saints, Strippers, and Stigmata: Some Naked Franciscans,” keynote for Graduate Students in Philosophy conference, Duquesne University, February 2019
- “Enfleshed Words,” Third Conference on Anthropology and Education, Columbia University, October 2018
- Respondent, Book panel on The Matter of Voice, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, October 2018
- Panel participant, Publishing from a Teaching Intensive Position, American Academy of Religion, November 2017
- “Slow Listening,” for Slow Work lecture series, Dept. of International Studies, University of New Mexico, November 2017
- “Interventions in Enlightenment,” for The Future of Teaching in the Humanities lecture Series, Le Moyne College, October 2017
- “A Really Big Resurrection,” closing symposium, Cornell Society for the Humanities, May 2017
- “Images in their Absence,” History of Philosophy Society, October 2016
- “Materialist Mysticism,” Department of Religious Studies, University of Colorado, October 2016
- “At the Boundary of a Revelation,” Keynote Address for We and They: Decolonizing Greco-Romanand Biblical Antiquities, University of Aarhus, Sandbjerg, Denmark, August 2016
- “Vulnerable from Within,” for Somaesthetics of Vulnerability, Florida Atlantic University, January 2016
- “Panentheistic Materialism,” response to Russell Re Manning, Retrieving the Radical Tillich, Westar Institute, November 2015
- “Mysteries of Matter,” at Aarhus University, part of the Wrestling with Archons project, May 2015
- “Vulnerable Immunity,” for panel on Catherine Keller, Cloud of the Impossible, American Academy of Religion, November 2014
- “Theological Remains,” for “Envelopes of Flesh,” conference on Jacob Rogozinski, Stony Brook University, November 2014
- “The Matter of Voice,” for “Theory and Things”, Graduate Students in Religion seminar series, October 2014
- “Haunted by the Future,” for Drew Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquium, “Sexual Disorientations: Queer Temporalities, Affects, Theologies,” Drew Theological School, September 2014
- “A Wound and a Prayer,” for American Philosophies Forum, “Genres, Hybrids, Crossings,” April 2014
- “The Meaning in the Music,” for “Sense, Affect and the Imagination in Late Antiquity,” April 2014
- “Almost Unblinking: Awaiting the Vanished,” Keynote lecture for “Disappearance: Spatial and Temporal Horizons,” Comparative Literature conference, CUNY Graduate Center, November 2013
- “Why Theology?” for panel of same title, American Academy of Religion, November 2013
- Presentation with graduate student panel on my article on Hildegard of Bingen, “The Voice of the Mirror,” (see articles page to download), Drew Theological School, April 2013
- “Made You Look! Gazing at Saints and Monsters,” keynote address for “The Monstrous, The Marginalized, and Transgressive Forms of Humanity,” the First Annual Graduate Student Conference in Religion, Syracuse University, April 2013
- “The Voice of the Mirror,” Theology and Philosophy presentation at Drew Theological School, April 2013, with graduate student respondents
- Presentation, “Repellant Attractions,” at conference, “The Beauty of Charisma,” Syracuse University, April 2013
- Presentation, “I Show You a Mystery,” at conference, “The Frontiers of Philosophy,” Stony Brook University, April 2013
- “Repellant Attractions,” for conference on “The Beauty of Charisma,” Syracuse University, April 2013
- Session on my work, with my response, American Academy of Religion, with Kent Brintnall, Virginia Burrus, Cameron Partridge, and MaryJane Rubenstein, November 2012 (presented in my absence by Shelly Rambo, session organizer)
- Book session for Kent Brintnall, Ecce Homo, American Academy of Religion (presented in my absence by Terry Todd, session organizer), November 2012
- Response to “Flesh, Desire, Divinity: Celebrating the Work of Karmen MacKendrick,” a panel on my work at American Academy of Religion (presented in absentia due to illness), November 2012.
- Book session for Jacob Rogozinski, The Ego and the Flesh, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, November 2012
- “Thou Art Translated!” keynote address for PhiloSophia conference on Translation, April 2012
- Roundtable respondent for conference “Encountering Religion after the Death of God (Again): Lacan, Hegel, and Emergent Materialisms,” organized by Thomas Brockelman (LeMoyne, Philosophy) and Gail Hamner (Syracuse, Religion), April 2012
- Conference presentation, The Trials of Desire and the Possibility of Faith: A Colloquy in Honor of Denys Turner, Yale University, March 2012
- Book session for Karen Sullivan, The Inner Lives of Medieval Inquisitors, Modern Language Association, January 2012
- Panelist, “Disembodied Knowledge as Bodily Practice,” American Academy of Religion, November 2011
- Guest instructor, seminar on forgiveness (course by Olga Hasty, Princeton University), November 2011; repeated October 2012
- Scholar’s session on my work, with my response, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, with panelists Patricia Huntington, Richard Kearney, and Rick Lee, October 2011
- “Addressing Desire,” invited lecture for Philosophy and Medieval Studies, Emory University, October 2011
- “Divinely Improper Names of Desire,” Eastern International Region, American Academy of Religion, May 2011
- Response to Kimmerer Lamothe, Syracuse University Humanities Symposium, April 2011
- “Philosophical Meditations on Mysticism and Messianism,” Halstead lecture, with Elliot R. Wolfson, Drew Theological School, March 2011
- “Actually Possible,” lecture series, Philosophy, California State University at Stanislaus, March 2011
- “I Love It When You Call My Name,” for panel On the Love of Commentary (In Love), sponsored by Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary, at International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 2011
- “The Return of Eros in Ethics,” Remembering the Philosophy of Edith Wyschogrod, Rice University, April 2011
- Panelist for discussion of Mary-Jane Rubenstein, Strange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe, American Academy of Religion, 2010
- “Impossible Confessions” for Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 2010
- “The Future Forgiven,” for International Society for the Study of Time, July 2010
- “Take and Read: Scriptural Seductions,” for “Desiring the Text, Touching the Past: Towards an Erotics of Reception,” University of Bristol, July 2010
- “Not Even a Blush,” for “Desire, Love and Sexuality in Medieval Thought,” Lewis University, March 2010
- “Multipliable Bodies,” for Bodies, University of South Carolina, Columbia, February 2010

- Faith and New Atheism, alumni-sponsored lecture event, Le Moyne College, 2010
- “Seams and Seeming” for Refiguring Sex: Somatechnical (Re)Visions, Macquarie University, November 2009
- “Bent Notes in the Chorus of Praise,” Cornell University, September 2009
- “Promised the World,” for Phenomenologies of the Stranger, Boston College, May 2009
- “Scripting Bodies,” for Eastern International Region, American Academy of Religion, May 2009
- Departmental lecture, Religion, University of Richmond, March 2009
- “Desire Prays: Augustinian Seductions” with Virginia Burrus, Syracuse University, Department of Religion, March 2009
- “Seducing Augustine,” with Virginia Burrus, Villanova University, sponsored by Augustinian Chair and Department of Philosophy, February 2009
- “Grotesque Redemption: The Risen Body in Augustine and Flannery O’Connor,” Plenary Lecture for “The Grotesque and the Sublime in Contemporary Culture,” Religion and Literature forum, Le Moyne College, April 2008
- “The Excess of the Flesh”, invited lecture at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, April 2008
- “The When of Eternal Flesh:, Keynote lecture for “Repetition and Return,” 10th Annual Graduate Student Conference, University of Western Ontario, March 2008
- “Impossible Confession,” for “The Sacred and the Debased in the Work of Georges Bataille, Occidental College, February 2008
- “The Time of Risen Flesh,” for Philosophy, Poetry and Religion seminar series, Humanities Center at Harvard, December 2007
- Panel presenter, “Living Together: Love, Religion and Politics in the 21st Century,” Centennial Conference, Fordham University Press, February 2007
- “History and Contemporary Variation in Bellydance,” guest lecture for Why We Dance seminar and Contemporary (World) Music course, Gettysburg College, November 2006
- “Thus to Kneel,” for “The Body: Ethos and Ethics,” International Foucault Society Conference, October 2006
- “Bodies without Wholes,” with Virginia Burrus, Drew Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquium, “Apophatic Bodies: Infinity, Ethics and Incarnation,” September 29-October 1, 2006
- “On Your Knees, Boy,” for “Sex and the City of God: Erotic Augustine,” Center for the Study of Sexual Culture, University of California, Berkeley, March 2006 (also presented to faculty and graduate students at Drew Theological School, March 2007)
- “Disruption and Smoothness,” Morgan State University Philosophy Symposium Series, October, 2005
- “Sharing God’s Wounds,” “Normalization, Exclusion, Excess,” California State University, Stanislaus, October 2005
- “Not Enough,” organized session on Pain and Pleasure, International Conference on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 2005
- “Divine Dismemberment,” revised version with images, keynote lecture, Wayne State University Humanities Center Faculty Fellows Conference, April 2005
- “The Seduction of St. Augustine,” Drew Interdisciplinary Theology Conference: “Transfiguring Passions: Theologies and Theories of Eros”, 2004
- “Desire and Seduction: The Pleasures of Asceticism,” International Conference on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 2004
- “Carthage Didn’t Burn Hot Enough,” Stony Brook Alumni Conference, 2003
- “Sacred Hearts,” International Conference on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, 2003
- “Original Sin and Redemptive Desire,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature, organized session on time and the immemorial, Leeds, UK, 2003
- “Dismembering the Divine,” Gettysburg College lecture series, Gettysburg College, 2002
- “Body Modification and the Madness of Decision,” with Crispin Sartwell, for American Society of Aesthetics, Eastern Division Meeting, 2002.
- “Dismembering the Divine,” early working version, philosophy symposium, Le Moyne College, 2002
- “Desire in the Fourth Gospel,” William Paterson University Lecture series, 2001
- “Reach Out and Touch Someone,” Philosophy Luncheon Series, Morgan State University, 2001
- “Great Hearts Afire” (long version) for “Taking off the Holy Shroud: 2000 Years of Gender and the Body of Jesus” sponsored by Department of Religion and Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, New York University, 2001 and Society for Biblical Literature, Cultural Studies session, 2001
- “Great Hearts Afire” (short version) as invited public lecturer, Skidmore College, 2001
- “Unfolding Ash Wednesday,” Honors House lecture, Le Moyne College, 2001
- “Stupid Questions,” Maryland Institute for the College of Art, invited Humanities Lecture, 2000
- “Born Again: Remembering Grace,” International Association of Philosophy and Literature. (More precisely, I was invited to organize a session for this conference, listed on the program as “Breaking the Limits of Desire,” and my paper was part of this session), 2000
- “The Language of Praise,” philosophy symposium, Le Moyne College, 2000
- “Great Hearts Afire,” early working version, women’s studies symposium, Le Moyne College, 2000
- “The Body Politic” [Art Exhibit], panel discussant, Syracuse University 2000
- “The Tactility of Language,” Uncommon Senses, Concordia University, 2000
- “The Body of Christ in the Fourth Gospel,” Continental Philosophy of Religion, St. Martin’s College (Lancaster UK), 2000

- “Broken language,” Lecture sponsored by Departments of Philosophy and Communications, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, 1999
- Summary talk on counterpleasures, as “distinguished alumnus,” [sic.] State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1999
- “Displaced Journeys,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature, 1999
- “Your Body is a Playground,” South Central Women’s Studies Association, Tulane University (also served as session moderator), 1999
- “Immemorial Silence: On Language and Time, Silence and Return in Blanchot,” University of Sussex, Brighton UK (Colloquium Series for School of European Studies), 1997
- “Time and Eternity in Book X of Augustine’s Confessions,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 1997
- “Technoflesh,” The Style Conference, Bowling Green State University, 1997
- “The Suspension of the Image,” International Association of Philosophy and Literature, 1997
- “Paradigms of Power,” Perspectives on Progress, University of Rhode Island, 1997
- “…and my memory from the minds of men,” for international roundtable on the work of Georges Bataille, Comparative Literature, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1996
- “Reason and the Infinite: The Structure of Literary Sadism,” The Literature of Pleasure and Desire, SUNY Binghamton, 1996
- “Pleasure and Subversion,” Body Matters, University of Hull, UK, 1995
- “Theoretical Commitments,” New York Women’s Studies Association, annual conference, 1995
- “M-Powerment,” New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 1994
- “Paradoxes of Pleasure,” Stony Brook Graduate Colloquium Series, 1993
- “Nietzsche and the Joy of Dance,” Stony Brook Graduate Colloquium Series, 1992